LIGHTS. CAMERA, ACTION!!! VIRTUAL TRAINING ON CAMERAFOR PERSONAL TRAINERS AND FITNESS INSTRUCTORS.The Teachers’ Survival Kit is a 4 Step workshop to Becoming an Online Personal Trainer or Fitness Instructor.Sign up now!!Times are changing HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROFESSIONALThis course is a one on one 3 to 4 week step by step program to help you build your business.We are also offering a FREE 15 min virtual Life Coach or Personal or Group Training session.CLICK THE POP UP ON MY WEBSITE WWW.JOJOSENERGY.COM AND SIGN UP NOW.Technology has shortened the distance between people, no matter where in the world they are. That means personal trainers and fitness instructors can help clients improve their fitness—through diet and exercise—from anywhere!If you are ready to take your fitness business to the next level, virtual training might be just what you’re looking for.
What Does a Virtual Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor Do?
The learning curve to become an online personal trainer is “virtually” non-existent. Why? Because an online personal trainer does the same work as a fitness trainer working on the gym floor. The only difference is an online personal trainer can’t reach out and touch their client to help correct form. Instead, they must use verbal cues and visual demonstrations to help clients move properly. Fitness Instructor are so use to space and music, mic and motivating your students with movement in a studio. As a virtual Instructor you will learn about space, license music, using zoom or any other platform, understanding lighting and promoting yourself with social media.
The job is nearly the same for both—collect data, create a program, motivate, and coach the client.
If you’ve already been working as a certified personal trainer and fitness instrutor, then you know what it takes to do the job. But, do you have the tech knowledge to make it happen online? Virtual training is a great way to increase your reach and income, but it takes work to pull it off.
Pros and Cons of Being a Virtual Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor
What to Know Before Starting as an Online Trainer or Instrutor
Marketing and Content Creation
Data Management
Video Production
The Teachers Survival Kit
4 Steps to Becoming an Online Personal Trainer or Fitness Instrutor
Sign up now!! For a FREE 15 min Life Coach session
Call JOjo today (917) 532-6707
or email [email protected]
get started in our new lifestyle coaching program.
Time is changing
This course is one on one 3 to 4 weeks step by step program to help you build your business.
Cost is just $70 for a 30-minute session once a week.
Save money by having two sessions a week for just $125.
A month of lifestyle coaching for unlimited only 3 to 4 Weeks $300!
Does Your Lifestyle Support Your Fitness Goals?
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Do you get distracted from your fitness goals by your daily responsibilities?
- Have you started and stopped a fitness program in the past?
- Do you have a structure in your life to support your fitness goals?
- Do you exercise and then eat unhealthy foods because your life is busy and stressful?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you need lifestyle coaching. Our goal is to help you achieve a healthy, productive and purposeful life.
Lifestyle coaching can be done in person or over the telephone!
Here are the benefits of lifestyle coaching:
- Provides greater focus and awareness of the choices you make
- Helps break old or negative patterns
- Prevents burnout in not only your fitness program, but also other areas of your life
- Empowers you to take responsibility for your overall health – physical, mental and spiritual
If you’re ready to really achieve your fitness goals, lifestyle coaching is the perfect place to start!
Lifestyle coaching is nonphysical, but it works hand in hand with physical fitness.
All payments with cash app
“JOjo’s lifestyle coaching helped me to understand why I wasn’t keeping my food journal. Now I am back on track and feeling better than ever before!”
C. McKay, NYC